Tuesday, January 06, 2004

A good friend of mine has made the suggestion that I can write. I’m not sure if I agree with him. Another good friend has a weblog, and after viewing it for several months and talking with him extensively, he made the suggestion that I start my own. The problem with writing something on a daily, or even weekly basis, is that you need a topic to write on. You can’t write randomly (unless your name is Dave Barry. In that case, anything that comes out of your pen works.).

However, the only topic I feel even remotely an expert on is my own life. Sometimes *very* remotely. And how many people could possibly be interested in my life? Not many. But I don’t care. Because I need to write, and I need a place, other than the confines of my own computer screen, to display what I have to say.

So I'm trying this out. Since I know nothing about web design (yet. Who knows what the future holds?) I make no apologies about the appearance of the site. I have no control (as far as I know) if things accidentally get deleted. As yet, I haven't even learned how to change the color scheme.

But I will. So if you happen to tune in early, rest assured this site will look different in the future. I'm going to play around with it, more as I learn more, and if you like what you see then feel free to tell me so. If you don't like what you see (content or otherwise), be constructively critical....tell me what you want.

But I make no apologies if you don't get it. After all, this is my site.