Monday, April 19, 2004

Pipe dreams

As the sun goes down at night, I lay in bed and dream.
I dream of a house called Rental.
Upon leaving this poor man’s castle, the road of purchase winds down through the valley
and to the wood.
Thick tangled brambles rise up to bar my way;
Loan origination, escrow fee, survey and state tax roots trip my feet.
PMI, assessment, title examination, hazard insurance branches scratch my face.
A deadfall of title insurance blocks my way.
I work around it, only to find myself at the edge
of Downpayment Cliff.
Sliding down the gravelly slope, I hear the wolves moving through the forest.
Wolves with names, the names of Appraiser, Inspector, Broker, Lawyer, and Seller.
Racing ahead, I come into a clearing.
There is a house, the same house, but with a different name.
It is Mine.

A new dawn has come. Closure is here.