It's been too long. Way, way too long, and too much has transpired. There's a lot that I could write, and I could conceivably fill several entries, but let's sum up and see what happens.
1. I'm out of a job.
2. We're having a baby.
3. We've lost someone dear to us.
I've considered leaving it at that, but I think I need to write more, so it's time for some detail. First, the job. As of the middle of October, I am no longer teaching. The reasons are complicated, and I'm legally bound not to discuss details yet, but suffice it to say I'm not happy with the situation. I'm working two part-time jobs, and it feels like I'm working harder than I was when I had a full-time and a part-time. My resume has been sent out, and while I probably haven't sent it to as many places as I should, I'm hopeful about the places to where I did send it. In fact, I've more or less placed all my eggs in one basket with one particular job opportunity. If it comes through, I'll be set for life. If it doesn't....back to the drawing board. I should be hearing any day now. Keep your fingers (and toes, and eyes) crossed.
Second, we're pregnant. On NPR recently they interviewed a guy from East Something-Or-Other University, and each year they compile a list of "banned" words. In other words, phrases or words they'd prefer never to have in the King's English again. Things like "awesome" or "TomKat" and so on. This year, one of the phrases that made the list is "we're pregnant". I know that technically, biologically, only my wife is pregnant. But pregnancy has been made into such a non-biological issue, what with having the proper car seat, the proper doctor, the proper clothing, the proper way to breathe, that there are plenty of books now for the father. "What To Expect When She's Expecting", and so on. And whereas before the dad was expected to pace in the waiting room and hand out cigars, now he is expected to attend the birth, cut the cord, and basically do everything he can except push. I'm all for that, and eager to participate as much as possible. As long as I'm involved, then, I may as well say "we're pregnant".
Oh, and it's a girl. Due early May.
Finally, just today we lost someone dear to us. Our good friend Keith, who we have known for about 15 years, lost his mother to bone cancer. She had been fighting it valiantly for years, and was a dear, sweet woman who made the best seafood chowder in all of New England. We will miss her much. If you are reading this, please hold Keith and his family in the light.
Topic for my next post: Griping about Eragon
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
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