Saturday, January 22, 2005

Dealing with reality

Maybe I'm getting more cynical as I get older. Maybe I'm being a curmudgeon. Or maybe I'm just paying better attention. It took 6 days before the U.S. promised any financial help to the tsunami-affected countries. When we did, it was $15 million.

Now, while $15 million would certainly solve a very many of my personal struggles, on a national scale it is a pittance. It comes to a nickel per citizen. Then critics in other countries called us "stingy" and rightfully so. So we upped the donation to $35 million. Finally, someone pointed out that the inaugural parties would cost more than that, so we finally pledged $350 million. (Even so, as a percent of the GDP we rank 27th among countries donating.)

I can't believe that after viewing the devastation, we can't do better than that. I can't believe that with people dying every day, our leaders don't have the tact and proper respect expected of them. It took an actual article in the media to convince Donald Rumsfeld to sign his name to consolation letters to families of casualties!

It is obvious to me that there is no compassion in the current conservativism. Any emotions shown are purely for political purposes. Any remorse is demonstrated only because citizens expect it, not because it is actually felt. Has our president shed one tear for any one of the brave men and women who have died in the Mideast?

I doubt it.