Monday, March 15, 2004

Empathizing with Mahler

I’m a lousy finisher.

I don’t mean that I’m not good at putting a nice veneer on a mahogany tabletop (although I’m not). I mean that I’m a pro at starting projects but lousy at finishing them.

These projects can range from the stupidly simple, like changing a light bulb, to the wickedly impossible, like landing a job with NASA.

Some of the projects I’ve begun and not finished include:

--cleaning my room and keeping it clean
--building a model train set in the basement
--emptying the basement so I can build that train set
--holding a yard sale
--learning web design
--writing a novel
--reading the Bible straight through
--saving up to buy a house
--getting to the last level of Midnight Club on the PS2

Ok, so maybe that last isn’t so much of a project as a pastime, but you get the idea.

In fact, this weblog itself is a project that is doomed to be uncompleted. I mean, how can you say a journal is ever finished?

In further fact, it’s unlikely I’ll even get to the end of this entry. Or even to the end of this sente