Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Phone service at Ellis Island

Today I spoke with a friend of mine about a cute little incident involving my oldest daughter. He suggested I write about it (I was about to say "blog it", but I'm still not comfortable enough with the format to call it that), so that's what this entry is about. Note that what I used to call "my daughter" I am now calling "my oldest daughter". This is another story that another good friend has told me I should write about, and I will, but I haven't figured out the words yet. Keep posted.

By the way, the words "cute little incident involving my daughter" are code words. They translate to "highly amusing anecdote to those people with children, and a really boring post to those without". You have been warned.

Anyway, I'm hanging about the house today with nothing better to do except wonder when the PTO will call me back when I glance outside and see a strange sight. All the lawn chairs and the bench have been lined up in two rows, one behind the other. Sitting in the second row is my (oldest) daughter. She is dressed in a petticoat, with a shawl around her shoulders and a bandanna on her head. In her lap rests a wicker basket, and her hands are neatly folded on the handle. She is just sitting there, seemingly doing nothing.

Curious, I call through the screen door, "Sarah, what are you doing?"

She answers, "I'm emigrating. I'm waiting my turn." And then, as I watch, she moves up a seat. And waits.

She's the only one out there. No one is there calling her name or stamping passports. She's the only child on our street (or town, or borough, or probably state) who plays "Emigration".

I felt like Gomez Adams. Strange and different, but a little proud to be so. What kind of child plays emigration? My kind, I suppose.

(On a related note, five minutes later I look out and my son is sitting on one of the chairs with a blanket around his head. "Alex, are you emigrating too?", I ask. The answer: "No, dad, I'm Luke Skywalker.")


That's part one. Part two is the lovely experience I had with our telecommunications company over the past few days. I won't tell you which company it is, but I will say that it starts with a "V" and ends with "erizon".

Our roommate moved out. It was clear when he moved in that the situation was only temporary, but then again, that was seven years ago. Anyway, he left, and we didn't see a point to receiving phone bills in his name. So I called Verizon our phone company last Monday to have the name on the account changed.

They can't do that.

They can provide the latest in fiber optic communications, but they can't change the name on the account. What can they do? Close the old account, and open a new one.

I'm fine with that. They do so. Tuesday, our phone, TV, and internet go dead. I call (on my cell phone) to have the new account put up. Here's the gist of the conversation that follows.

Me: I'm calling to have a new name on our account. I'd like the same phone number if possible.

Sales Rep: Yes sir, no problem. We can have a technician out there Monday.

Me: No, that's not necessary. We already have all the equipment. We just need it turned on.

Sales Rep: We need to send out a tech, sir. Technically, we should have picked up the equipment when the account was deleted. Then we would send someone out there with new equipment.

Me: You don't understand, it was just working yesterday. Just turn it back on the way you turned it off.

Sales Rep: We'll have someone out there Monday between 8am and 5pm.

Me: Listen, if we didn't pay the bill and you suspended service, would you need to send a tech out to turn it back on?

Sales Rep: Of course not, sir.

Me: Then you can just do that, right?

Sales Rep: Would you hold a moment, sir? Thanks.

(Two minutes of conferring with his manager)

Sales Rep: Would you hold just another moment please? Thanks.

(Five more minutes of conferral.)

Sales Rep: Well, sir, when we delete the account we clear the posts and they need to be reset. The tech will be out there Monday. Thank you for choosing Verizon us.

Well, the tech comes, and I explain the whole thing to him again. His response?

Tech: Yeah, I figured it was something weird. On the sheet they gave me where it says "Problem description" they wrote "undescribable".

Anyway, what the tech expected to be an 8 hour day turned into a 40 minute day. Everything now works, hence I am able to post this blog.

Finally, a plea for help. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this blog to accept the "tab" key. If someone could show me how to do this, I wouldn't have to keep skipping a line every time I want a new paragraph.

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